Herbal Solution That Helps Deal With Obesity - Ruzu

So, your husband/fiance has a pot belly. Hope you know it's not a sign of good living...

Statistics suggest that about 35% of Nigerians are overweight! Potbelly is part of that excess weight, even though some men will still claim they're fit.

alt=''Herbal Solution That Helps Deal With Obesity - Ruzu''

 Potbellies in men are even considered a sign of good living. In fact, people in Nigeria believe that being big or chubby means they are eating well, thus rich and comfortable. We've dropped our traditional meals and are eating westernized and highly processed foods...
It is actually a sign of BAD living!!! ðŸ˜–😖

It is important to know that around the age of 35, our metabolic rate begins to slow down, hence not all fats in the body is metabolised. For men, such fats most often concentrate on their belly thereby having a protruded stomach, while for women, the fat stores commonly on their back and hips.

The associated health risks are similar to those associated with obesity, and they include heart diseases, diabetes, osteoarthritis, stroke, high blood pressure, breathing problem, among others.

One of the best ways we can manage obesity crisis is to adopt a healthy eating plan and strictly observing balanced diet. It is not about starving oneself. It is advisable to eat more plant-based food like vegetables, fruits, and grains.

In addition to this, certified herbal based product like Ruzu can be used to complement the weight management process. Ruzu is a purely herbal and plant-based, product effective in taking care of pot bellies and other forms or obesity-induced conditions. With two spoons per day, you can keep your weight, and health, in check.

How do you keep your weight in check?
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